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Child Protection Policy for St Declans N.S.                                 {Sept 2013}

{Please read carefully}

Organisational Implications


School procedures already in place and new procedures being put in place will be examined with reference to the Children First Guidelines {2011} and the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools {2013}. Any Child Protection issues that may arise will be addressed.

The following areas have been addressed in this review:

·         Accidents

·         Attendance

·         Behaviour

·         Bullying

·         Transportation              

·         Communication       

·         Induction of staff     

·         Induction of pupils

·         Record keeping       

·         Supervision

·         Swimming    

·         Visitors



Under our Health and Safety Statement we try to ensure the safety of children, but realise that accidents will happen. Accidents which are considered serious will be noted in our First Aid and or Incident Books and will be addressed as deemed necessary.



School attendance is governed by the Education Act 2000. With regards to child protection we will pay particular attention to trends in non attendance in accordance with the NEWB procedures..



It is the aim of our school to encourage co-operative learning and play at all times.  Inappropriate behaviour will be addressed under our Code of Behaviour. If an incident arises which is consider to be of a sexual nature, the DLP should be notified.



Bullying behaviour will be addressed under our Anti-Bullying policy. If the behaviour involved is of a sexual nature or regarded as being abusive then the matter will be referred to the DLP.



No person will be permitted to carry a child in his/her car at any time in his/her capacity as an employee of St Declans NS.



Every effort should be made to facilitate good pupil/staff and parent/teacher communication. The SPHE/Oral Language/RE programmes allow for open pupil-teacher communication, which is hoped will aid the pupil-teacher relationship. Staff communicating with pupils on a one to one basis should always do so in a safe environment. Parents are invited to make an appointment if they wish to discuss any issues with a member of staff.


Induction of Staff

The DLP will make a copy of Children’s First {2011} and a copy of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools available to all staff.


A pack containing

1.    Circular 65/2011regading Child Protection

2.    A copy of the list of Responsibilities of all school personnel {as per Children’s First}

3.    Monitoring page and guidelines

4.    Body template page to note any signs of injury

5.    Definition and recognition of Child abuse {as per Children’s First}

6.    Signs and symptoms of child abuse {as per Child Protection Procedures Book}

7.    Organisational and Curricular Implications

…will be presented to all staff members before the end of June 2013.


All teachers are expected to teach the designated curricular areas for their class.


All new staff members will be provided with the above information prior to commencement of employment. All temporary and substitute staff will be provided with the same information pack.


The DLP is responsible for informing new teachers of personnel to be contacted regarding record keeping.


Induction of Parents and Pupils

The following policies will become available to parents through our school web site.


1.    Child Protection Policy

2.    Code of Behaviour Policy

3.    Anti Bullying Policy

4.    Attendance Policy


Parents are expected to familiarize themselves with the guidelines as stated in these policies and to comply with them. Hard copies will be available from the office. Some parents may need to translate these policies into their own language.


Record Keeping

The following records are required for each pupil attending St Declans School

1.    Roll Book – attendance

2.    School Reports

3.    Absence notes

4.    Standardized Test Results

It is the responsibility of the teacher to update these as necessary and to ensure their safe keeping.

Additional educational files such as psychological reports will be sent directly to the Principal who will make them available to the class teacher and support teachers as required. Further information regarding any pupil may be recorded by the teacher and stored in the class folder. Information which is considered sensitive will be reported to the DLP or Deputy DLP who will record it for safe keeping and will be shared on a need to know basis. Storage of records will be dealt with under our record keeping policy.


New pupils joining the school during the year will be expected to hand previous school reports and standardised test results prior to or on enrolment.



The school’s supervision procedures will be followed by all staff to ensure that there is adequate supervision of children at all breaks. The class teacher/supervising teacher have primary responsibility for the whereabouts of all pupils in his/her care. Pupils are to remain in the yard during break times unless directed otherwise by the teacher.



Children will be brought by bus to and from the swimming pool. All adults will act in ‘loco parentis’ and as such will act as prudent parents in helping children to return to school as comfortably and as safely as possible.



Every effort will be made to ensure the security of the school building during school hours. All exit doors should be kept closed at all times. All reasonable efforts will be made by teachers on playground duty to be aware of visitors entering the school playground and may ascertain their intentions. In general, all visitors will be directed to the front door where access can be gained by ringing the bell.


Visitors {including parents, deliveries etc} are requested to report to the secretary’s office before proceeding through the building.


Curriculum Implications



In St Declans NS all children will be cherished and in fulfilling the general aims of the Primary Curriculum we will

·         Enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise his or her potential

·         Enable the child to develop as a social being through living and co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society

·         Prepare the child for further education and lifelong learning.


In endeavouring to realise these aims we will create a positive school climate which is open, inclusive, respectful, fair, democratic and tolerant and which seeks to support the holistic development of all children and all adults working with our children. The strategies we will use to create this environment are detailed in our SPHE Plan and will involve:

·         Creating a health-promoting and safe physical environment

·         Enhancing self-esteem

·         Fostering respect for diversity

·         Building effective communication within the school

·         Developing appropriate home-school communication

·         Catering for individual needs where possible

·         Developing democratic process

·         Fostering inclusive and respectful language.


The Following programmes will be used in our school to enable the aims of the Child Protection Policy to be fulfilled:



Jun Inf

Sen Inf







Weekly SPHE Lessons









Alive O









Stay Safe


















In School Social Skills Program










      Other programmes which are available in the school are The Walk Tall programme, NWHB Materials, Prim Ed Anti Bullying Materials, Be Safe Be Seen and the First Steps Health Programme.


We strive to ensure that our school will be physically and emotionally safe and we will deliver the curricular content of our SPHE programme with a view to giving our children the protective skills of self-esteem and assertiveness. The Circle Time and Bubble Time methodologies will be used on a whole school basis. Co-operative interpersonal skills can be developed through working in pairs and working in groups. Older children can be encouraged to work positively and skills in negotiation, building consensus and managing conflict can be developed.



Success Criteria


We will evaluate the success of this policy using the following criteria:


  • Participation by all staff in training
  • Delivery of the curricular areas as listed above.
  • Resources to support the delivery of SPHE
  • Delivery and participation by children in the Stay Safe Programme
  • Assessment of these procedures by participants following a child protection case
  • Feedback from all staff


Timeframe for Implementation


This policy is currently in practice and has been ratified by the BOM.


Timeframe for Review

At the first staff meeting of every year the DLP will remind all teachers of the pack outlining the Child protection procedures for the school. Packs will be given to those staff members who require them.


A review will be conducted based on the criteria above, following any and all incidents when the guidelines are used.


Responsibility for Review


·         DLP in conjunction with all staff members.

·         The BOM will review this policy annually.


Ratification and Communication

This policy was ratified by the Board of Management on Apr 9th 2013. It is our intention to make this policy available on our school website. Hard copies will also available in the office.


At the beginning of each new year parents will be informed about the availability of this policy.