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Declans N.S.
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St Declans N.S.
Class Work
Book of Condolence for Steve Irwin
- Sept ‘06
boys in our class were fans of Steve Irwin… or as he was more famously
known as …. “The Crocodile Hunter.” We were all very sad to
hear of his untimely death. We all loved watching his progammes on T.V. where
his courage, enthusiasm and love of wildlife were undisputed. As a mark of
respect Ben suggested that we form a “Book of Condolence” from
our school. Classes from 1st to 6th were invited to
sign the book and after about two weeks all the signatures had been gathered.
Adam’s letter was chosen to represent the class and when all was ready
we forwarded it on to the Australian Embassy in Dublin.
Please wait for the picture to