Declans N.S.
Poems about School! – Sept
30th ‘07
Enjoy them all again and again and again …..
Story I wrote a
story yesterday just before my lunch, When I
had my lunch it went crunch! crunch! When I
came back in I wrote my story, I wrote
it with a pen, My story
is about my teacher, She's a
little bit of a creature, But
when I looked up there she was right in front of me! ….. By Brian Lunch Time Swimming Swimming
is the best. Better
than all the rest. You
can play fun games. I
have a friend called James. I
have a good stroke. Its
not a joke. One
of my friends fell. When
he heard the bell. That
ends it all, Have
a nice fall ……. By Jake The Lost Pen Teacher
dear teacher, I have
lost my pen, I looked
everywhere for it, So I
asked her again. Teacher
dear teacher, I
can’t find my pen Please
could you help me Find it
again. Teacher
dear teacher, I have
found my pen, You will
be glad to hear, I
won’t lose it again. …. By David THE BULLY Lunchtime Lunchtime is always good. But could we have a bit more time. Especially when you have a chocolate bar. But not enough time, only a minute or two. Just complain, complain, complain all the time. But don’t forget your wasting playtime. Hurry, hurry, hurry just don’t forget your big
baguette. Almost time for coke to drink. Go out, go out and run about. Don’t forget its okay to use your mouth, just
don’t shout!
……………. By Dylan Teachers Hair Homework HOMEWORK OH HOMEWORK ALL IT IS , IS SPELLINGS MATHS AND TABLES HOW COME IT IS NOT ART OR PLAY GAMES OR EVEN NO HOMEWORK AT ALL , HOMEWORK OH HOMEWORK IS THE WORST THING OF ALL . …….. By Thomas The School Library. I love the school library, My favourite place to be, I go there once a week, And read without a break. The books I read I wont forget, Because they are so excellent, They’re sad, They’re happy, They’re really funny, And when I have to go, I’m very unhappy! ……… By Eoghan School Bullies Teacher
dear teacher. Jack took
my pen. So I gave
him a push. Teacher
dear teacher. Alex took
my pencil case. So I gave
him a punch. Teacher
dear teacher. Gaven
took my lunch. So I gave
him a kick. …..By Dylan M The Bully "Homework sucks" The Bully said to me. "Do my homework for me" He said. I went to tell teacher, But she'd been replaced, With some kind of creature. I said to the creature "Where is my teacher"? No answer. The Bully appeared - what a chancer! Face like thunder,but what a blunder. The creature opened its mouth, Into it the Bully went, Swallowed fully…… No more Bully! ………. By Michael Homework Teacher Teacher is a creature. Hurry and
Scurry Hurrying and scurrying. When some are reading. Some are feeding. When some are rushing. Some are saying They are all in a scurry. Some in a hurry. So they wont be late. And they left at half eight. ………By
Daniel As I sit in my
class . I turn to my left, And look. out the glass. I see the beautiful school garden. In it I see the vegetable plot, With carrots and
onions, And alot more. As I keep looking, I see the lovely fish. Oh how I wish, I could be
out, In the schoolgarden
all day. …… By Gavin C PE We have PE today. It is sometimes fun. Some times boring. This week we have swimming. It is fun. Splassing around having fun. With my friends Josh, Mark, Brian and
Kieran You should try it some time. We get the bus. It might be late so we wait. When we get back the trouble starts Like throwing punches and robbing lunches. ……
By John Lunch I like lunch. It is fun I play games with my friends. We tell jokes about blokes. Best of all is when lunch starts. Worst of all is when
I fall. I eat my sweets munch,munch,munch. I eat my sweets all at lunch, ……… By
Mark BULLYS Teacher dear teacher. Sean took my money. So I threw some honey. It went all over him. And the bees stung him. I got back my money. And filled up tummy. ………….By
Kieran School The day is fine. It will shine. School peace out. I’d like school. If it had a swimming pool. So why should we fall asleep. I like school and I hope you do to. ……..By
Gavin M The Big Bully I came to school ….it was a chase! There he was up in my face! Then he hit me after the chase in my face! Then I realised it was half past two It was all a dream but then it came true! He came face to face …me and him! His nickname was Billy the Kid But I said no one could beat the Billy Bob Joe. But then I broke my toe! There I was in the emergency room! He was next to me with my shoe! ………..By
Bill School is Bad! School is bad because. We don’t get to play pool. Because the teacher is a fool. He has too many rules. I am Cory and my brothers name is Rory. And I hope you enjoyed my story.
…………..By Jamie. My School Day In September I have to get up early. To do Maths and English which are easy, well fairly. The garden is my favourite place. Where I am out and about with lots of space. We grow apples,carrots’s and pears. So good you could show them at fairs. At lunchtime the bell rings. I gobble down all my nice things. My homework copy shows how much I have to do. Thank God it is only half past two. …..By Evan Background I want to
put black In my
background but it Would look dull I had the
ground grey But it was
black And grey it turn Out a big
fat blob ….. By Jack Break Time At break we take out our lunch. And I would eat a brunch. Teacher, teacher help me, To get away from Lee. He has my toy and won’t give it back to me. Break time is cool. Break time is fun. Without break time School would be dull! ……. By School School is a
place for us
to go. To learn the
things we need
to know. To read and
write and do
our sums. And at P.E
we have good
fun. Homework is a real
chore, I do it when
I get in
the door. S.t Declans N.S
at the park
is my school . School I think
it is really
very cool. …. By Alex Friends This fella called James. He likes to play lots of silly games. One day I brought him to the park . He just let out a little ___! I told him this little story. Then he met his best friend Cory. Cory told James he didn’t want to play He was just a bit sad today. I went home with James. And we played a few little games. Our lunch was ready And I was like …… Hold on steady. When we had our lunch All that I could hear from James’s mouth is MUNCH! MUNCH! MUNCH! …… By Adam School I go to St. Declans school I think it is really cool P.E. is my favourite thing . I play football when the bell rings….. By Sean |