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Class Work
Class Science Exhibition –
24th Nov ‘06
As there are a lot of pictures on this page please be patient
and wait for all of them to load…… [c. 2 mins on dial up.]
On Friday the 24th of November we had our Class
Science Exhibition. The day before Friday we had prep day. On prep day we had
all day to get ready. Prep day was our last day to bring everything in.
Luckily I had all my work done. Then we brought our machines and rockets down
to the hall.
On Friday the first class to
come down were junior infants. All the other people were saying they were too
hard to control but I thought that they were quite easy to keep under
control. I was beside Christian and Cathal was behind me.
I was doing lung pressure and I had to learn all about how we
breathe and I really liked my experiment. You had to take a deep breathe and
blow into tube as hard as you can.
We all had to do other work
about science as well for example …. a famous scientist, a famous
invention, we had to build a rocket and a machine, we had to design our own
invention, draw the Quay in 3006 and write a science fiction story.
I had a great day!
Report written by …….David Healy.