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Class Work
We sent 4 goats to Africa! – Mar 13th ‘08
We had an
unbelievable response this year from the whole school during Lent in support
of Bóthar’s appeal to send a goat to Africa.
We raised so much money that we were able to send 4! €1300 was raised
altogether - that’s €1200 for the goats and €100 for
Trócaire. All the boys in the school were then encouraged to enter a
competition to name the goats. The four winners each received an Easter Egg.
They were David Hale. Jake Byrne, Lorenzo Gulinati and Michael Simpson. The
names they chose were… Lucy, Rebecca, Róisín and Roxy. A special thanks
to Lar and Valerie Curran for bringing in the goat to visit us today before
she and her 3 friends head off to Africa.
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