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Class Work
Mrs Costello Retires – June 29th
There was a sad but fond
farewell on behalf of the whole school today as everyone gathered for the
last time this year in the Junior Yard to wish Mrs Costello all the best as
she retires from teaching. Mrs Costello was thanked for her many years of
loyal service to St Declans and for the wonderful contribution she has made
to the lives of all the boys that she has taught. Mr Hughes entered her name in the “Golden
Book” for being a good girl and showered her in gold dust because today
was her special day. She was presented with a range of gardening items
including a new pair of wellies which she tried on for size! Before finishing
she did promise to return for just one day in August just to help us settle
into the new year! Best of luck Margaret and many years of retired bliss from
all your friends in St Declans. We will miss you.
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