St Declans N.S.
All the latest Office and School
News …. Last updated June 20th 2014
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Details/Text A Parent and School
Insurance *An end of year
message from our Principal Mr Kevin Doran. Another year has flown by
and now we find ourselves looking forward to what we hope will be another
warm and sunny Summer holidays !!As our sixth
classes will be graduating shortly, I would like to take this opportunity to
wish them well as they make the big move to secondary school. They have represented St. Declan’s with
pride on so many occasions and I wish them continued success in their new
schools. It is also important to
acknowledge the generosity and support offered by you the parents and the
Parents’ Association throughout the year.
This is very much appreciated and be assured that efforts will
continue to be made to improve the learning environment of the school and to
provide the boys in our care with the best opportunities and resources
possible. Finally enjoy your Summer holidays
and best of luck to all staff and parents involved in the Viking Marathon !! A few points to
note: 1.
School will close for the Summer
holidays on Thursday 26th June at 12 noon and will reopen after
the summer break on Thursday 28th August at 8:50am. 2.
Please inform the school this week if your son is
not returning after the Summer Holidays so as we can offer your son’s place
to other interested parents. 3.
From Wednesday 18th – Wednesday 25th
June there will be a display of all the items from “lost and found”. You may
find that missing jumper or coat here! 4.
During the holidays you may consider visiting the
St Vincent de Paul shop “Second Time Round” on Henrietta Street. They will accept any unwanted school uniforms/tracksuits
which are in good condition. Any remaining school uniforms and tracksuits
from “Lost and Found” will be handed in for resale there. 5.
Please note that all teachers have fully complied
with the Croke Park Agreement for the school year
2013/2014. 6.
The total amount raised from our recent Sponsored
Walk was €6,241.50. Thank you for all your support and to the boys for their
efforts in raising this huge amount of money. 7.
The school has developed a new anti-bullying
policy which is now available on the school website. All parents are asked to familiarize
themselves with this very important policy. 8.
All parents are asked to fully co-operate with
the school uniform policy next year.
The uniform is available at Gregory’s Menswear, Patrick Street,
Waterford and the tracksuits at K-Sport, Industrial Park, Waterford. Runners suitable for P.E. should be worn
with the tracksuit. Black shoes are to
be worn with the uniform (navy ‘decks’, brown shoes or black/coloured runners
are not part of the school uniform). 9.
School reports will be posted home not later than
20th June. This year we
have changed the format of the reports to bring us in line with DES
guidelines. If you have changed your
address or require a report to go to a second address please contact the
school immediately. Parents of boys
in 4th and 5th class in particular should note that De
La Salle College are now requesting copies of 4th & 5th
class reports as part of the application process to the college. Therefore, please keep all reports in a
safe place for future reference. *Please note that school begins at 8:50am
and finishes each day at 2:30pm. The BOM of St Declans does not take
responsibility for children outside these official opening and closing times. *We would encourage you to please bring any old
school uniforms and/or school tracksuits which are in good condition to the St.
Vincent de Paul Charity Shop, Henrietta Street, Waterford. *The St Declans NS
Counselling/Support Service for Parents and Guardians will operate again this year. This service
is an independent and confidential service. It was established to offer
support to Parents and guardians who may feel they need some time to explore
areas which are difficult to them. Counselling is provided by Stefan Green
who is very experienced in working with young people and has trained as a counselor. Meetings can take place in the school or in
another location if preferred. There is a sliding scale of cost between €5
and €30 dependent on personal circumstances. This scheme will operate until
June 2014 and has received financial assistance from the St Declans Parents Association. To make an appointment,
please contact Stefan Green at 086 3531522 *Once again this year we have a recycling point
here in school for household batteries, used ink cartridges and unwanted
mobile phones. These can be brought to
the school by the boys and left at the recycling point outside Room 8. |